Friday, March 12, 2010

A Brief History of Herman Miller Chairs

Known throughout the world as the pre-eminent office chair design house, Herman Miller has become a brand without peer in the furniture industry. Their office chairs and key accessories are sought after by businesses around the world, not only for their good looks, but their supreme comfort and functionality as well. What follows is a look at the company behind the design – as well as the products that have made Herman Miller chairs famous.

Who is Herman Miller?

Although the company was formed in the 1930’s, Herman Miller did not actually enter the office furniture design business until the mid-1960’s. But since that time, from its home-base in Zeeland, Michigan, Herman Miller, Inc. has grown into one of the most influential furniture makes in the world. Several significant events in America’s design history have taken place at Herman Miller. In fact, the omnipresent office cubicle was created by Herman Miller in the 1960’s by then lead designer of the company, Bob Probst. Love it or hate it, there is no doubt that the “cube” has had as much influence on the American workplace as any piece of furniture or fixture from the past century.

The Eames Chair and the Birth of Functional Design

Perhaps no chair is as beloved as the classic Eames Chair. This sleek recliner with footrest has become a statement piece in the homes of people around the world for decades. World-renowned designers Charles and Ray Eames designed the recliner specifically for Herman Miller, who then used brilliant high-end marketing to create a feeling of exclusivity around it. Defying the trends of the industry, the Eames Chair has yet to go out of style.

The Aeron Chair and the Internet Boom

At the tail end of the 20th century, no industry was booming quite like the Internet. The dot-com was getting financing at an incredible clip and small businesses were building hip, young offices to help attract top talent to this fledgling online world. The Herman Miller Aeron Chair was a staple of these cool, slick offices and companies paid thousands of dollars (and waited for months in queue) to get their own.
When the first Internet boom period went bust, the Aeron Chairs were among the first thing to go, as they became a symbol of the excess that plagued so many companies that put image ahead of a smart business p Many were sold on eBay, or at online discount chair stores for a fraction of their retail cost.

Herman Miller in the New Millennium

As the 21st century kicks in to full swing, few companies in any industry are as respected as Herman Miller. In fact, Fortune Magazine has named Herman Miller as one of their “Most Respected Companies” for the past 18 years – each time, placing number one in the furniture category. The company continues to turn out office chairs that change the way we work, live and look at the accessibility of terrific design.

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